Gone Fishing (Original Painting)
Gone Fishing - Blend Cota Original Oil Painting Framed on Canvas- Blend Cota Studios
Gone Fishing - Blend Cota Original Oil Painting Framed on Canvas- Blend Cota Studios - Size chart
Gone Fishing - Blend Cota Original Oil Painting Framed on Canvas- Blend Cota Studios - Certificate

Gone Fishing (Original Painting)

Sale price

Blend takes us back to a country pastime for every child. What better way to spend a summer day than to go fishing with your dog. Forget the chores - they can wait. Blend takes us to a time when the focus was not computers and video games - where kids enjoyed the outdoors and the fresh air in the country. Blend's use of details, light and color creates a painting that, like a song, transports us back in time.


    Unframed option available upon request.

    All measurements in inches. Product and frame ratio and imagery are approximate and may not be exactly as shown.

    Contact for Quote - Estimated Delivery: 3-4 weeks